Thursday, April 30, 2020

Must Admit, This is Impressive

Question of the Week: 

Do you think this coronavirus crisis strengthens faith in G-d or weakens it? Like is it proving there is a G-d or the exact opposite?


There are only two possible ways of looking at what's happening now.

Either there is a G-d and this crisis is a part of His big plan. Or there isn't and it isn't. 

If it is, then you have to be impressed. Within the space of a few weeks, the world has changed forever. Every single person on the planet has had to pause, stop the way they've been living their life until now, re-evaluate their priorities and what's really important, spend more time caring for their loved ones and less time in empty pursuits. 

We've come to realise that money and fame and possessions and arrogance are all worth zero. The only currencies that have any true value are our relationships and our faith. We have learnt that everything we do, even staying home, has a purpose and a meaning, and every individual impacts everyone else. The world is more united than it has ever been. 

You have to admit, it's a pretty impressive move on the part of G-d to achieve all this with a tiny virus. What's even more impressive is that the world has been transformed without any miracles. We have come to these realisations on our own, without being forced, with our free choice in tact. That is an amazing act of G-d.

Or maybe not. The other option is that there is no G-d, this is just one of those things that happen every now and then. No meaning, no message, no moral lessons to be learnt. Just random stuff. 

I'd say the first explanation is way more compelling. G-d, you got our attention. We are all listening now. And we won't go back to life as it was before. No way. It's going to be much better, because we are better. 

Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss

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In these crazy times, you have to recreate the holy energy of shul in your home. To help you learn songs, here are recordings of the Friday night tunes we sing at Nefesh, created by the super-talented Zalmy Okunov. Download and listen to them during the week, so when it comes to Shabbos, you can be the chazan! Note: they are not to be played on Shabbos itself - nothing can replace your own voice on Shabbos!


Nefesh will not be holding any services until further notice. 

Please find instructions for praying at home. Page numbers are from the blue Chabad Siddur. This Shabbos is also Rosh Chodesh, so there are some additions and variations from a usual Shabbos. 

Friday 1 May - 7 Iyar
Light Candles...............4:56pm
Before 5:14pm:........... Mincha p101
After 5:14pm Shabbos evening service p154
After 5:41pm Count Omer................ Day 23 p136
Kiddush...................... p179

Saturday 2 May - 8 Iyar - Shabbos
Parshas Acharei/Kedoshim
Morning Service for Shabbos:
p5-25, p181-219, Torah reading Acharei & Kedoshim, Mussaf p234, Kiddush p248
Virtual Lechaim 1:30pm - raise a glass and have us all in mind!
Before 5:30pm ................................. Mincha p253
Pirkei Avos ...................................... Chapter 3 p277
After 5:41pm ................................... Maariv p161
Count Omer ..................................... Day 24 p136
Shabbos Ends................................... 5:52pm
Havdala p29
Kiddush Levana p301
Latest Shema this week...................... 9:09am
Nathan Peles................ 12 Iyar/ Wednesday 6 May
Carol Melman............... 13 Iyar/ Thursday 7 May
Jonathan Isdale............ 13 Iyar/ Thursday 7 May
Layla Bando................. 14 Iyar/ Friday 8 May
Larnce Gold for his late grandmother Naomi Frere 
Nechama bas Ester 8 Iyar/ Saturday 2 May

Marlene Franks for her late father
Aaron Jacob Wolman,
Aharon Yaakov.................. 10 Iyar/ Monday 4 May

David Bermeister for his late father
Yitzchak Ben Zeev.............. 11 Iyar/ Tuesday 5 May

Frank Dreyer for his late mother Eva Dreyer
Chava bat Avraham...... 12 Iyar/ Wednesday 6 May

Anne Sarzin for her late grandfather
Ha Rav Avraham Ben Elimelech
Halevi........................... 12 Iyar/ Wednesday 6 May

Jack Klein for his late father Shimon
Klein................................................. 13 Iyar/ 7 May

Theresa Bengis for her late husband
Baruch ben Lasar.................. 14 Iyar/ Friday 8 May
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